Friday, 25 March 2016

How to Cope up after being Dumped - Relationship Advice for men

In some ways a break up for a guy can be tougher than for a girl. Why, is it because they feel things more deeply? No, it's because they think they have to act macho and not show that they are in pain which makes it so much tougher to move on.

Men will often do just about everything wrong when they are trying to figure out best way men coping with being dumped.

Here are some things you should and should not do if you have been dumped by your woman:

Most times while we find it difficult to get along again with our partner after having a relationship problem is because often than not we don't prepare for them before they come. Yes there are some persons whose relationship problems are more terrible than the one you might be thinking that you have.


1. Call, text, or 'drop by' all the time. If you do this too often it will move past the flattering stage, assuming she was ever flattered in the first place, and move into the creepy stalker stage. If you feel you have to talk to her only do it once in a while.

2. When you see her in public don't run up to her and start telling her why she made a mistake and that you want her back.

For one thing she will likely not be interested and you'll likely get mad and make a scene, and for another this could turn into the stalker thing in rule # 1.

3. Go out and hook up with every other woman you can find. While it may make you feel a little better for a short time, it isn't fair to the other women and if your ex hears about it she's likely to be convinced that she did the right thing dumping you.

4. Don't try to make your ex jealous. This is childish and won't make a great impression. Sure, your ex might get jealous but even if that was enough for her to come back to you, none of the problems that caused the breakup in the first place have been resolved and odds are the two of you will only end up apart again anyway.

There's no way to turn an unhealthy relationship into a healthy relationship while holding on to old resentments. The signs of a healthy relationship though are found in 2 people who are strong and independent, who understand the give and take of relationships, and work hard to stay in relationship credit by regularly investing their time and energy into the relationship in ways that their partner appreciates and benefits from.

An obvious relationship advice for men is to improve their communication with their partners. Men in general are poor when it comes to the communication aspect

Relationship advice for men is that they should act with more integrity and should know how to talk properly to their loved ones.


1. Let her know you still care but then give her some time and space. You don't want her to think you're just sitting around waiting for her call.

No one wants to be tied to a needy person. While it's ok to call every once in a while, don't talk to her too much.

2. Go out with your friends and have some fun. While you're re-entering your single life it's important to get back to doing the things you used to like doing before you and your ex got together. Spend time with good friends and family.

3. Work on you. Everyone has areas they need to improve on and after a breakup is a good time to do it.

There is a chance that you learned something about yourself either during your relationship or during your breakup that you don't like. Now would be a good time for some self improvement.

4. Give yourself some time to grieve over your lost relationship. Take your time before you decide to start dating again.

The best relationship advice for men is to look at dating as it relates to evolution and see what they have to offer.

It's very tempting to try and relieve some of the pain you're feeling by going out and finding someone else but if you rush it you won't have a real connection, it will just be a rebound.

Breaking up sucks. No one likes to have to go through the pain. These tips on
best way men coping with being dumped won't take away your pain but it might provide you with a game plan on the quickest way to move on so you can get over your ex and be happy again.
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